Tuesday 13 December 2016

It Clicked!

Something magical has happened.  When I sat down to spin today, something just ‘clicked’ and I was able to spin up a bunch of pre-drafted nests of fiber at a relatively consistent tension and diameter. It is a huge improvement compared to the gross over- or under-spinning mess I was making just a few days ago. 

Every day since I took the spinning class I have spent time simply treadling and then spinning for about 20 minutes.  Maybe my coordination and muscle memory had to get synchronized.  I am totally psyched! 

Also, I have been dividing and pre-drafting my fibres slightly differently – more fine than before.  This seems to help me better manage the amount getting into the drafting triangle.  Plus, I let the fibre supply dangle from my hands at a position relatively straight below the orifice so there is no chance of it getting caught and dragging across my pant leg or getting ‘torn’ on my sleeve.  

Here is a photo of my latest creation! 

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